The Annamrit Farmers As Owners Foundation distinct itself by approach of balancing-act, we are proud to integrate socio-economic investment in our agenda of social businesses and environment developments through our innovative model “Farmers As Owners”. The Apple project - Uttarakhand, is successful pilot run of our innovative model to understand socio- economic outcome of investments and balanced impact on the lives of multiple stakeholders. We have set an example of good business with positive ROI to investor and social benefit to farmers as well as consumers along with creation of livelihood in rural and semi urban areas, by just adding value at every level of agri produces value chain. Since 2007 a multi discipline team from Netherlands, India and apple growing areas of Uttrakhand himalayas, tested “Farmers as Owners model” for sustainable development and acquired required knowledge to replicate the model for a change in life of small-marginal farmers, innovative entrepreneurs of developing areas and social investors from developed areas the change in method of doing social businesses. After successful demonstration of positive results in 2015 Annamrit foundation was set up to replicate the idea and incorporate the interested partners in practices. Farmers As Owners model looking for debt/equity/impact investor, business oriented producers organisations and committed social enterpreuners to replicate our model as Joint-Venture company which will always be run by business professionals and entrepreneurs to re-pay loans or buy back equity for being eventually owned by farmers for 100% economic rights.